Friday, July 20, 2012

Life on Project

My name is Nicole Staggs and I am from Wichita Kansas. This is a blog I wrote for my suppoters a coupple of weeks ago. They had some questions and this is my reply.
     Before I left for my mission project a lot of you were asking how could there be a mission trip at Disney World? I got quit a bit of skepticism from a lot of people, including my best friends and close family. I began to say that every mission trip has a purpose and something that is sacrificed. On this mission trip, The purpose is simply to tell others from around the world about the Gospel, raise up new leaders in other countries to share in their home land. It is easy to just go to a country and do this but you miss several others when you do that. This project has the countries come to us, and their are thousands of potential leaders right here in Disney World to share the Gospel with. What is sacrificed on this mission trip is sleep. This may not be as large as pluming like you would have to sacrifice in other mission trips, but sleep is very much apart of a healthy lifestyle. On any mission trip, there is always one defining thing that they all have in common, and that is God. God is the center of every mission trip anyone goes on. Let me tell you, God is definitely represented on the mission project I am on.
So now that we have established that, lets move on to what this particular project looks like.
      I live in a condo resort in Kissimmee, FL, Just 15min away from Disney World. All the buildings are fun colors like blue, green, pink and orange. Don't get hung up on the condo living. It is not as fancy as you think. We have found lizards, frogs, cockroaches, and spiders the size of a large baseball inside our condos that we have had to deal with. We have also had to deal with broken microwaves, A/C not working, and towel racks falling off the wall. No matter what the problem in our own individual condo, we deal with it as a group. There is about 5-7 of us living in a condo and some of us have decorated it with compliment boxes, princess posters, and other various items. The condos consist of 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms as well as a kitchen and living room. OH! and some of us have a harry potter closet. lol
Day to Day:
      In the morning, we wake up and go to a project event from 10:00am to about noon. (Monday-Bible Study, Tuesday-Evangelism, Thursday-Men/Women's time, Saturday-Ministry teems) After those activities if we have work, then we go to work for the rest of the day. Friday we don't have any project scheduled but if we have work, again, then we go to work. On Wednesday we get the whole day off of work and do an activity as a project all day long. I also meet with my discipler once a week and get disciple in how God would like me to live and learn how to better Evangelize.
     Working at Disney is like any other Job. Clock in, Work, Break, Work some more and close. While we are at work however, we are making friends with our coworkers. The only thing different about working at Disney is that most of your coworkers are not from the U.S. I could write an entire post about this (Witch I will).
     Being on Project is amazing. I have gotten shown so many things about how a family works and how God wants me to live. This is shown from my room mates to my car pool group, to going surfing at the Beach. I have gained so many brothers and sisters in the short time that I have been here. The staff is amazing in guiding everyone to be just like them. My new mommy's and Daddies (Staff) will be leaving soon and we will be in charge of the direction the project will take.

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